> What Was I Thinking: December 2007

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Ponderings

On this day before Christmas, the Christmas cactus is blooming and I am finally relaxing with most of my holiday chores completed. I can't help but ponder about the season, what does it mean, am I stressing the most important aspects of the season to my children and do I actually even enjoy this particular holiday? As these questions swirl in my head, if I am honest with myself, Christmas is probably my least favorite holiday. I much prefer Thanksgiving. It has all of the food and family and none of the other stresses. Gift buying is not required, decorating is minimal if none. There are no pre-Thanksgiving parties to prepare for and attend. No greeting cards or special remembrances are needed. Thanksgiving simply...is. I love it.

On the other hand, the day after Thanksgiving, I generally feel like I start my 3rd or 4th part-time job. As if my day-job, my all-the-time job ...mothering and civic obligations were not enough. I don't mean to sound whiney or like a scrooge, but yesterday I asked by teenage children what they liked most about Christmas. You know what they said...I'll give you a hint. It wasn't the presents. Being with family, enjoying time off and of course ...the food.

Note to self. Simplify. Simplify. Simplify.