> What Was I Thinking

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Life on the Lake

My husband and I have always loved the lake. We loved it so much we even bought a lot on the lake and then a weekend cabin on the lake and finally we added on to our cabin on the lake and made it a full-fledged livable house, year-round. During the first five years of our marriage, we boated regularly in the spring, summer and fall. We had our boat tuned, serviced and ready to go at least by Memorial Day. Skiing, swimming and teaching our young son to swim were among the highlights of owning a boat. But the top reason for owning a boat was freedom. You could swim almost anywhere. Pull into a private cove and skinny dip if you wanted to. Or if it was crowded in one place…pick up anchor and go somewhere else. The only down side to just owning a boat and not a place on the lake…Putting up the boat, transporting the boat, and coming home, famished to a cold and empty kitchen. Nothing tastes better after a heavy afternoon of sun, water, and boat activities than a good hot meal. Potato chips will not cut it. Thus the decision to actually own a place on the lake was made.
Fast forward 15 years. My husband and I have been married for 21 years now. We have a 17 year old son, a 14 year old daughter, and a 7 year old son. We have two very busy careers, church activities, teen activities, part-time jobs, school activities, band, swim team, a farm, 4-H cattle projects, a girlfriend, a cat and a dog. And…..we still live on the lake full time. Every year for the past ten years, we have been getting later and later about getting the boat in the water for the first time. Five years ago, it was July 4th before we got that sucker out of the garage and armor-alled the vinyl seats. This year it was July 16th before our 18 year-old boat made its way out of the dusty garage. So the question begs to be answered…Why do you still live on the lake? I have to confess there are several reasons. Our house is very unique and a one-of- kind house since its addition. I like the fact that I don’t live in a cookie cutter house with the house plan available at any supermarket. I like the privacy that my particular lot affords. I like waking up every morning gazing at the sun’s reflection in the water. And I like the fact that I am not a slave to my yard. We have very little sun…therefore very little grass. So…I have my reasons for “living” on the lake, that do not necessarily involve “playing” on the lake.
At any rate…on July 17 of this year we did indeed venture out onto the water. The family of five all piled into the boat for about 45 minutes of skiing and swimming before we were to meet the 17-year-old’s girlfriend at our house and my sister-in-law who was to take the 7-year-old for a cousin campout. We pulled away from the dock and dumped out my older son to start the first round of skiing. We pulled him down to Kitchen Hollow a somewhat protected waterway in hopes of catching some smooth water. By the time we reached the end of the hollow, he was tired and ready for the next skier to take over. My daughter jumps in the water and dons the skis. The boat won’t start. The boat continues to not start for the next 30 minutes.
The youngest who has always been a little anxiety-ridden when it comes to swimming or skiing in the lake has now begun to fidget and ask, “Mom…what are we going to do? When is the boat going to start? I’m hot. How long do we have to stay here? I ‘m thirsty. How are we going to get back home? I’m hungry. Are we going to have to swim for miles? I wanna go home!” I’m a little bit desperate myself, at this point…It’s scorching hot, there is one bottle of fresh water on the boat (after all… we were only going to be gone for 45 minutes), I have people due at my house any minute and I am stuck out in the middle of the lake, 2 miles from home .
“I wanna go home, too” I murmur in assent.
“OK, that’s it,” the little one says with an exasperation I’ve only seen in adults about to tackle a most unpleasant task. (You know like changing a dirty diaper or cleaning the gutters) The next thing I see out of the corner of my eye is my precious youngest child, hands folded, head bowed, eyes closed and he is praying most fervently. I see his lips moving and the earnestness in his heart.
I’m smiling, despite the unpleasant circumstances and when he was through articulating his problems and his desire to God, he looks up at me and says, “OK. I’ve prayed now.” About 15 seconds later the boat started. The story would truly be a testimony about the power of prayer if the boat had stayed running. However it died again five minutes later and would not start again. Never-the-less, we all learned some valuable lessons.
A. Never doubt the faith of a child.
B. There is power in prayer, even if it’s not exactly what you had in mind.
C. Perhaps we should teach our children to not use prayer as only a last resort.
D. Never trust the words, “It was running fine last year.”
E. Professional annual boat maintenance is not to be overlooked.
F. Always take a gallon of fresh water, even for the shortest of boat rides.
G. Never go out on a boat just before you are expecting company.

You’re wondering how we got back? Well 2 ½ hours later we were towed back to our dock by my older son. He hitched a ride with a passing boat and retrieved our wave runner and a rope. Next day…Boat is in the shop!

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